Welcome to the Money Rebel Template Bar's education hub. These templates were designed for business dreamers and business owners to make starting and growing a business as simple as possible.

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Want some expertly crafted and wildly effective time-saving tools to grow your business? Explore our collection of grab-and-go templates below.

Got questions or need assistance? Reach out to us at hello@moneyrebelco.com, and our team will provide you with the support you need.

Cheers to growing a wildly successful business and making money doing what you love.

Hayley 🥂

Available Products

Nail Your Pricing Template

Ditch the ineffective ways of pricing and get rebelliously strategic with the 'Nail Your Pricing Template'.  Wildly effective, expertly crafted to price your services and offers.

The Group Goldmine Formula

Your VIP pass to leveraging other people's Facebook groups to make sales and grow your business. Revolutionize your lead generation strategy with The Group Goldmine Formula. 

Money Maker Formula

Unleash your revenue potential with the 'Money Maker Formula'. Wildly effective, expertly crafted to hit your revenue goal. 

Hot or Not Naming Template

The go-to template to help you pick a money making business name. Time to see if your business name is "Hot or Not" and will pass the test of our Business Name Analyzer. 

BYOB Bootcamp

BYOB Bootcamp is the course where women go from employee to self-employed. BYOB teaches you steps A to Z of how to start your business the easy way even if you're starting from literal square zero. 

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